DLL Bikeability Level 3


Lefel 3 Bikeability

Wedi gwneud Lefel 1 a 2 yn yr ysgol gynradd?

Yna gall Lefel 3 eich arfogi â'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen i gadw'n ddiogel mewn sefyllfaoedd trefol mwy heriol.

Byddwch yn dysgu sgiliau uwch, gan gynnwys sut i:

  • Defnyddio'r safle reidio gorau ar gyfer unrhyw sefyllfa
  • Reidio ochr yn ochr â beicwyr eraill
  • Reidio ar ffyrdd mwy cymhleth. Gallai hyn gynnwys ffyrdd prysurach, cyffyrdd mwy cymhleth neu ffyrdd cyflymach gyda chyfyngiadau cyflymder uwch na 30mya.
  • Herio ffyrdd mwy cymhleth. Er enghraifft, cyffyrdd a reolir gan oleuadau traffig, ffyrdd aml-lôn neu lonydd beicio.

Sylwch, er mwyn cwblhau'r cwrs hwn rhaid eich bod wedi cwblhau'r hyfforddiant Lefel 1 a 2

*Rhaid i bawb sy'n cymryd rhan gael beic sy'n gweithio (brecs ayyb) a helmed

Bikeability Level 3

Sailed through Level 1 and 2? 

Then Level 3 can equip you with the skills needed to stay safe in more challenging urban situations.

You will learn more advanced skills, including how to: 

  • Use the best riding position for any situation 
  • Ride alongside other cyclists 
  • Ride on more complex roads. This might include busier roads, more complicated junctions or faster roads with speed limits above 30mph.
  • Negotiate more complex roads. For example, junctions controlled by traffic lights, multi-lane roads or cycle lanes.

Please note, in order to complete this course you must have completed the Level 1 & 2 training

*All participants must have a working bike and helmet

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Please ensure you register each child who will be attending as well as Parent/Guardian

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